Beadwork Beading Tutorials

How to Make a Daisy Chain Beading Stitch

daisy chains

The Spruce / Lisa Yang

Project Overview
  • Total Time: 1 hr
  • Skill Level: Kid-friendly
  • Estimated Cost: $5

The daisy chain is often one of the first bead stitches children learn because it is easy, quick, and fun. It doesn't take any special materials other than a needle, thread, and beads. Almost any bead size and type can be used, as the number of daisy petals can be adjusted to fit around whichever size bead you're using for the daisy centers. Round beads will form a nicer flower than cylinder beads. Moreover, the stitch will work with most bead thread, as long as it can pass through the beads multiple times.

Daisy chains make great bracelets, anklets, necklaces, chains for eyeglasses, purse straps, and more. They're a great way to use a variety of colors from bead mixes, and you can even choose to make daisies with multicolored petals. This tutorial shows you two different ways to make daisy chains. The first style has daisies that are interconnected where each flower runs into the next one. The second version has distinct flowers. Try out each variety, customized with your favorite colors, or make some to give away as personalized gifts.

Daisy chain materials
The Spruce / Lisa Yang

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Beading needle
  • Scissors


  • Beads (in the size and type of your choosing)
  • Bead thread


  1. Start the Daisy Chain Stitch

    First, cut your thread. The amount of bead thread you need will depend on the preferred finished length of your chain. This tutorial uses an arm's length of thread, which typically is the right size for a bracelet.

    Next, pick up six petal beads on your needle, and slide them down the thread leaving a 6-inch tail. Stitch through the first bead to make a circle.

    Started daisy chain with a loop of six beads
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  2. Make a Circle with the Beads

    Pull the thread tight to form a loop.

    Pulling the beads into a circle
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  3. Add a Bead Center to the Daisy

    Pick up a bead for the center of the daisy, and slide it down to the beadwork. Skip two beads, and insert your needle into the third bead. For this stitch, put your needle in from the bottom of the bead, so the thread comes out the top.

    Pulling the beads into a circle
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  4. Complete the First Daisy Stitch

    Pull the thread and guide the bead, so it is centered in the ring of beads. Pull the thread tight. Now you are in a position to start the next daisy stitch.

    Pulling thread tight to arrange the petals and daisy center
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  5. Start the Second Daisy Stitch

    Pick up four of the petal beads. Pass your needle through the bead underneath the one you were exiting in the previous step, inserting your needle from the bottom of the bead as shown in the picture below. It is important that you insert your needle in this bottom bead because that makes the connection between the daisies stronger.

    Picking up four beads for the next daisy flower
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  6. Add a Daisy Center

    Pick up one bead for the center of the second flower. As you did previously, count two beads from the bead you are exiting. Pass your needle through the third bead, inserting the needle from the bottom of the bead.

    Picking up a center and stitch up through the center bead on the other side
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  7. Continue Adding Daisies

    Pull snugly, so the bead just added centers itself in the ring. Then, continue adding more daisies using the same method you did for the second daisy stitch until the chain reaches your desired length. Knot the ends, or add a clasp if you wish.

    Adding four beads to start the next daisy
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang

Daisy Chain Variation

When you are making interconnected daisies like the previous tutorial, it can be hard to tell one daisy from another. So this next daisy chain stitch variation makes individual flowers connected by two petals in the middle. This daisy chain uses six petal beads per stitch, rather than the four petal beads you used for the previous tutorial. Furthermore, this daisy chain looks best when you use at least two different colors for the daisy petals.

Two different daisy chain techniques
The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  1. Start the Daisy Chain With 1 Petal Color

    Cut your bead thread to your preferred length, leaving a 6-inch tail. Then, start with a circle of six petal beads in one color. Pick up a center bead, and secure it in place by skipping two beads and stitching up through the third bead. Gently pull so the daisy beads are snug.

    Adding the middle to a beaded daisy chain
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  2. Join the Next Daisy Flower

    Pick up two beads in your preferred petal color for the next daisy on the chain. Attach them by stitching through the bead underneath where your thread is exiting and the bead from which your thread is exiting. This forms a ladder stitch. Complete the stitch by going back through the two new petal beads (the yellow beads in this tutorial).

    Making the second flower on a beaded daisy chain
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  3. Add Petals to the Daisy

    Pick up four more petal beads for the second flower, and make a circle by stitching into the first of the two beads from the ladder stitch. Don't stitch through both beads, as this will make the flowers uneven. Pull the circle tight.

    Making the second flower on a beaded daisy chain
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  4. Add a Center Bead to the Daisy

    Pick up a center bead, skip two petal beads, and stitch into the next bead. Be sure to continue to stitch in the same direction as the previous stitch. Pull tight.

    Adding the second flower of a daisy chain beadwork
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang
  5. Add Petals for the Next Flower

    Pick up two petal beads for the next flower, and add them using a ladder stitch. Then, pick up four more beads, make a circle by stitching through the first of the two beads, add a center bead, and stitch across the circle through the bead on the opposite side. Continue adding daisies in this method, and before you know it you will have a fabulous and fun daisy stitch bead chain.

    Making the second flower of a daisy chain
    The Spruce / Lisa Yang